Here is the much awaited soundtrack to our latest choreography - Raqiya's Tabla. You should already have received the notes by email. Have fun practicing!
If you're as hopeless with thread and needle as I am, then you can order your veil by sending us an email with your height and preferred colour at and we'll make it for you ... (not personally of course but through a good seamstress ;) )
Making a Rectangular Veil
To help those girls who want to take the special Veils class we have decided to add some pointers on how to make your own veil. The veil is simply a light floaty fabric in a rectangular or semi-circular shape. It's not difficult to make - if you can sew a decent hem then you're more than halfway there! So, here goes......... 1. Choose your fabric and colour - there are many fabrics to choose from. You need to look for a fabric which is light and moves well. We recommend using georgette or chiffon as they are the most popular because they are sheer and have a nice movement although they're not shiny. 2. Get the right size - the size of the veil depends on the person who is going to use it. If you're rather tall (1.60m or more), go for a 2.75m by 1.15 m veil. If you're a little shorter than that, try reducing the length to 2.6m and don't forget to reduce the width to keep the proportion. 3. Sew it - Once you've bought the fabric the veil is almost finished. You've got the basic shape. All you have to do is straighten the edges and sew a narrow hem all around. Try to keep the hem to 1/4th inch or 0.6cm. 4. Dance! That's've got a veil. You can obviously embellish it if you wish with a sparkly or coloured trim or sequins on the hems but a basic one is more than enough for the course. However, if you need more information go to the website which inspired these instructions
Workshop with Chellcy
All participants can nowdownload the video and audio track of the workshop with Chellcy. Notes coming soon. Enjoy and practice!!!
P.S. Please add a comment if you download.
Sorry, the link has been removed. If you were a student at the workshop but did not manage to download the files in time, send us an email and we'll send it to you.
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